Special Note: Sometimes the production batches are different, and their colors will have some color differences. When you buy them, please know this clearly. The same colors and different sizes may also have color differences. We will Try to control the color change, so that the goods you get are closer to the color on the picture, thank you for your understanding, if you have any questions, please contact me!
Length of 1 full strand:16 Inches (40cm)
Per Strand Quality: Approx 350~380 Pieces.
The Vinyl Heishi Beads Size:4 Millimeters 6 Millimeters 8 Millimeters (Thickness 1 Millimeters)
Hole Size:2.0 Millimeters
Shape:Vinyl Heishi Disc
The color: Blue
Material:Vinyl Heishi,Polymer Clay,